SDI at WUF11

Join SDI at WUF11! Slum Dwellers International is excited to be attending this year’s World Urban Forum (WUF) for its eleventh session.
We are hosting an event entitled, ‘Recovery and Resilience: Community-led Strategies to Build Back Better in Informal Settlements’ and participating in a number of other events. Join SDI at WUF11!
This year’s theme is Transforming our Cities for a Better Urban Future. It is set to provide greater insights and clarity on the future of cities based on existing trends, challenges and opportunities. WUF aims to create a space for the sharing of ideas and insights to craft solutions and ways in which cities can be better prepared to address future pandemics and an array of other shocks.
WUF examines one of the most pressing issues facing the world today: rapid urbanisation and its impact on communities, cities, economies, climate change and policies.
SDI Events at #WUF11
SDI is set to host a session entitled: ‘Recovery and Resilience: Community-led Strategies to Build Back Better in Informal Settlements’
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When: Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Time: 16:30-18:00
Where: Multifunction Hall Room 17
Speakers: Beth Chitekwe-Biti, Joseph Kimani, Joseph Muturi, Melanie Chirwa, Michael Chanda, Rosę Molokoane, Sheila Magara, Theresa Carmpatana
Partner speakers: Louise Meincke – Plan International & Arne Janssen – Cities Alliance
SDI’s networking event at the upcoming WUF11 will showcase the innovative strategies implemented by SDI affiliates in 17 countries in responding to and recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic, building on and creating meaningful partnerships between organised communities of the urban poor and other stakeholders that champion and institutionalise slum-friendly policy and practice for resilient cities.
Through a partnership supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and Cities Alliance, SDI affiliates were supported to use their tools and methodologies to effectively and urgently respond to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Covid-19 pandemic and pandemic responses such as government lockdowns highlighted and exacerbated the many chronic stresses urban poor communities live with and struggle against daily. As such, the strategies implemented by SDI’s urban poor federations are about more than Covid-19 response and recovery: they are about sustainable, inclusive, and pro-poor urban development that provides communities with meaningful opportunities to work with government and other stakeholders to address issues such as food security, access to livelihood opportunities, skills training, and basic services like water and sanitation, as well as the need for accurate slum data to drive government responses in times of crisis and beyond.
Speakers from SDI and key partner organisations will exchange approaches, strategies and outcomes achieved in order to highlight best practices that can guide future developments while demonstrating the power of meaningful partnerships with organised communities of the urban poor to address recovery from Covid-19 and the building of resilient communities and cities.
The session will also demonstrate that to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and build inclusive and resilient cities; urban planners and policymakers must learn from innovative strategies employed by the urban poor to find lasting solutions.
Learn more about the session here.
Other SDI at WUF11 events
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Monday 27 June 2022
Want to build a Cities4Children Alliance in your city or country? Come find out how.
Time: 13:30 – 15:00 CET
Where: Multifunction Hall: Rm 19
Visioning platform for a Global Action Plan to tackle the Slum Challenge
Time: 13:30 – 15:00 CET
Where: Multifunction Hall: Rm 17
SDI representatives speaking: Joseph Muturi
Tuesday 28 June 2022
Reshaping Communities through Art
Time: 12:30 – 14:00 CET
Where: Room A (Voices for Cities event)
SDI Representatives speaking: James Tayler
Strengthening the resilience of urban communities: Our way forward
Time: 16:30 – 18:00 CET
Where: Multifunction Hall: Rm 4
SDI Representatives speaking: Christine Mutuku
Wednesday 29 June 2022
Claiming and producing housing rights: cross-regional experiences from grassroots organisations and international networks. Part 1
Time: 09:00 – 10:00 CET
Where: UrbaMonde Exhibition stand
SDI Representative speaking: James Tayler
Leave no one and no place behind: Addressing inequalities within and between cities through SDG localisation
Time: 10:45 – 12:15 CET
Where: Room A (Voices from Cities event)
SDI Representative speaking: Joseph Muturi
Dialogue w UCLG: Democratising global reporting processes: Lessons from a partnership for equality.
Time: 12:30 – 13:30 CET
Where: UCLG Booth
SDI Representative speaking: Beth Chitekwe-Biti, Joseph Muturi, James Tayler and others.
Leaving no one in cities behind: Addressing inequalities through resilient infrastructure
Time: 14:30 – 16:00 CET
Where: Multifunction Hall: Rm 18
SDI Representative speaking: Theresa Carampatana
Intergenerational dialogue on urban fragility and resilience
Time: 14:30 – 16:00 CET
Where: Multifunction Hall: Rm 2
SDI Representative speaking: James Tayler
Multi-Level action for equitable and sustainable cities
Time: 16:30 – 18:00 CET
Where: Multifunction Hall: Rm 1
SDI Representative speaking: Rose Molokoane
Thursday 30 June 2022
Claiming and producing housing rights: cross-regional experiences from grassroots organisations and international networks. Part 2
Time: 9:30 – 10:30 CET
Where: UrbaMonde Exhibition stand
SDI Representative Speaking: James Tayler
Dialogue: Transforming cities through innovative solutions and technologies
Time: 10:00 – 12:00 CET
Where: TBC
SDI Representative Speaking: Joseph Kimani
Civil Society and Grassroots Roundtable
Time: 13:30 – 15:30 CET
Where: Roundtable Room 1
SDI Representative Speaking: Melanie Chirwa, Christine Mutuku, Beth Chitekwe Biti, Joseph Kimani, Sheila Magara
Dialogue: Greener Urban Futures
Time: 10:00 – 12:00 CET
Where: Auditorium
SDI Representative Speaking: Rose Molokoane
Join SDI at WUF11! Visit WUF11 for the full programme and to register for the event virtually.