YCARE International

Y Care International is the international relief and development agency of the YMCA movement in the UK and Ireland. We work with YMCAs and other youth organisations around the world, to help disadvantaged and vulnerable young people enrich their lives and to build a more just world, free from poverty.


UNDP works in more than 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results.

UN Habitat

UN-Habitat has developed a unique position supporting urban development and the planning and building of a better urban future for next generations. This key process supports economic growth and social development, and reduces poverty and inequalities.

World Urban Campaign

In April 2013, SDI officially joined the World Urban Campaign, a lobby and advocacy platform on sustainable urbanization for “Better City, Better Life,” coordinated by UN-HABITAT. The World Urban Campaign brings together partners from across sectors. It is designed to facilitate international cooperation, and acts as platform to converge organizations in order to collaborate on solutions and build consensus towards a new urban agenda for the Habitat III conference that is expected to take place in 2016.

Global Land Tools Network (GLTN)

The Global Land Tools Network brings together a range of international networks and organizations to address the challenges of land tenure with regards to the inclusion of informal settlements and residents in cities. In particular, SDI works with GLTN on developing tools for community-information collection practices, such as enumeration, to form the basis of dynamic GIS technologies for understanding and managing urban development.

Cities Alliance (CA)

Cities Alliance is a partnership of major multilateral donor agencies, Northern country donor agencies, Southern country governments, and networks of cities. CA is housed in the World Bank. As the global network of the urban poor, SDI is a member of CA and serves on its Consultative Group, equivalent to a board of directors.