What’s Cooking in Urban Africa? A Michelin Star Chef Travels Africa’s Slums on a Quest for Cooking Wisdom

by James Tayler

What's Cooking in Urban Africa?

Toxic smoke of household cooking with charcoal or paraffin kills 4.3 million people every year — more than HIV/AIDS and malaria combined — and primarily affects women and children. SDI’s clean cooking initiative – providing clean, safe, affordable cookstoves to slum dweller communities – improves public health in slum communities and adds to incremental upgrading efforts. This is a valuable intermediary solution for the poorest households – especially women and children.

To raise awareness for clean cooking, SDI’s co-founder Joel Bolnick has taken to the road, traveling across Southern and East Africa with Michelin Star chef Alan Wise, Clean Cooking Revolution, and Twins on Tour to connect with communities and produce a series of cooking competitions in slums and a cookbook featuring the winning recipes captured on the road.

Learn more in the presentation above and click here to pre-order your book today.