Theresa Carampatana

Ma. Theresa Carampatana, is an advocate for pro-poor urban development in the Philippines. She became a member of the Homeless People’s Federation Philippines, Inc. (HPFPI) in 2010. She is a member of the SDI Board and the current president of the Philippines national federation, covering 106 urban poor communities in the country. Affiliated to Slum Dwellers International, this national federation of the urban poor groups has been organising slum dweller communities for over twenty years to save, to profile and map their settlements, to upgrade housing and basic services for the poor, to train communities in disaster risk reduction and adaptive upgrading, and to partner with government to shift policy and practice toward greater inclusivity and resilience. As an organisation they have been driving community upgrading, disaster risk-reduction and Covid-19 response efforts in partnership with the government across the country.

- Theresa Carampatana

Role: Member of the SDI Board of Directors
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